Airline tickets to Buenos Aires

Airlines that fly from Moscow to Buenos Aires: Qatar Airways, KLM, Tam Linhas Aereas, Iberia.

Airports connections: Doha, Schiphol, Guarulhos, Barajas.

Departure is made from Domodedovo and Sheremetyevo airports. The flight time is 31 hours and 45 minutes.
Arrival is carried out in airports: Pistarini, J. Newbury.


Prices for airline tickets to Buenos Aires:


Moscow-Buenos Aires from 410 $ To find


Airline tickets to Buenos Aires

Travel to Buenos Aires

Buenos Aires is the official capital of Argentina. This city occupies an area of ??4 thousand square kilometers. At the same time, its population is more than 11.8 million people, and this is over 40 percent of the population of the whole country. This city is the main economic, political and economic center of the country.

There is a very developed industry and urban transport network. Although tourists are not recommended to use it for two reasons. Firstly, you risk being left out of money and running into pickpockets, and secondly, the transportation network is not in the best technical condition. Buenos Aires, a large number of taxi drivers. You just have to give up and the car stops right next to you, which can take you to any place.


You can fully enjoy the architectural sights of the city, see its high-rise buildings, including skyscrapers. General construction perfectly preserves the features of the so-called colonial period, which is characterized by the presence of a central square with access to the sea, as well as the straightforward structure of all the streets of the city. Any vacation is worth it to see, for example, the presidential palace with the parliament building and the opera house. If you believe the words of experienced travelers, the hall of this theater in its acoustic capabilities is second only to the New York operetta.

The city’s attractions

Airline tickets to Buenos AiresВуліца Сан-Тельмо ў Буэнас-АйресеЧартерные рэйсы ў Буэнас-Айрэс ў лічаныя гадзіны даставяць вас прама ў цэнтр бурнай жыцця Аргенціны. Бо менавіта сталіца краіны з’яўляецца таксама і яе навуковым цэнтрам. Тут вы можаце на свае вочы бачыць Акадэмію літаратуры, а таксама мастацтваў. Акрамя таго, вам цікавай падасца і прагулка па Нацыянальнай акадэміі права, медыцыны. А вялікая колькасць музеяў толькі падкрэсляць вашыя веды аб культурных каштоўнасцях Аргенціны.

Вы ўжо ўвечары будзеце шпацыраваць па старадаўняй вуліцы Сан-Тельмо, дзе знаходзіцца вялікая колькасць бараў з іх хвалюючай музыкай танго. А ў нядзелю тут праходзяць антыкварныя кірмашу. Варта наведаць квартал Ла Келіх, Ла Реколетта, раён горада Матадорес і многае іншае.

Charter flights to Buenos Aires in a matter of hours will take you directly to the center of Argentina’s hectic life. After all, the capital of the country is also its scientific center. Here you can see with your own eyes the Academy of Literature, as well as the arts. In addition, a walk through the National Academy of Law and Medicine will seem interesting to you. A large number of museums only underline your knowledge of the cultural values ??of Argentina.

Already in the evening you will walk along the ancient street of San Telmo, where there is a large number of bars with their exciting music of tango. And on Sunday there are antique fairs. It is worth visiting the quarter of La Boca, La Recoletta, the area of ??the city of Matadores and more.